Flowers in winter

Flowers in winter

Winter means not only snow and ice, but also a feeling of comfort and warmth at home. This includes flowers. In this dark season more than ever.
Festive accents predominate
When florists talk about "winter", they mean November and December. That's when the days are short. Accordingly, the desire for flowers and colors is great. Yellow and orange are particularly in demand, as are white, pink and red. The latter especially because many holidays are coming up before the end of the year.

Also, the traditional flower offer of these months moves predominantly in these colors. The most popular flowers in winter: amaryllis, Christmas roses, Amazon lilies (Eucharis), holly (Ilex), proteas, skimmias, as well as poinsettias, of course.

Care tips for flowers can be found here.
Amaryllis and poinsettias - the favorites of the season
Amaryllis and poinsettia are the absolute classics of this season. As a cut flower, especially the amaryllis with its magnificent flowers is the real prima donna. It enchants with a spectacular variety of colors and is the best recipe against the winter blues. More info about the amaryllis can be found here.

But of course, poinsettias also belong to this period. They come in a wide variety of colors. Admittedly, they are known primarily as plants. But they are also always an attractive component of festive bouquets. More interesting facts about poinsettias can be found here.

Speaking of symbolism: the amaryllis symbolizes pride and grace, the poinsettia love and hope. Care tips for amaryllis and care tips for poinsettias can be found here.

Available in flower stores: amaryllis from about November until New Year's Day; poinsettias from about November until Christmas.
Amazon lily (Eucharis) and protea - two unusual exotics
With their pleasantly fragrant, white flowers, the Amazon lily, which comes from Peru, give the bouquets a delicate beauty. In the case of the pink to reddish protea, on the other hand, which comes from South Africa and symbolizes diversity, it is the unusually large flower head that inspires. It reaches a diameter of up to 25 centimeters and is popular in floristry because of its good durability.

Available in flower stores: Amazon lily from November to New Year; protea from early September to New Year.
Holly (Ilex) and skimmia - extremely atmospheric
The bright red berries of holly branches and the somewhat more restrained red fruits of skimmia have an optimistic aura and bring Christmas spirit into the vase. Whether as soloists or together with amaryllis and conifers, it is impossible to imagine the last two months of the year without holly and skimmia.

In symbolism, holly stands for luck and courage, while skimmia stands for perseverance.

Available in flower stores: holly from early October to New Year, skimmia from mid-September to New Year.
Christmas roses - stunningly beautiful
Christmas roses are the right answer for those who like it natural, fine, and a little romantic. They look good with conifers and add a magical touch to winter. Moreover, they are a symbol of hope. More info about Christmas roses can be found here.

Care tips for Christmas roses can be found here.

Attention: planted Christmas roses for outdoor use are a special feature. Because these defy frost and snow and bloom tirelessly throughout the winter. Care tips for Christmas plants can be found here.

In flower stores, Christmas roses are available from mid-November until Christmas.

Learn more about flowers and their season