Ever heard of birth horoscopes?
Today birth horoscopes are rare.
But for future rulers they were once commonplace, because people wanted to know more about the fate of their newborn child as early as possible.

Long before ordinary mortals celebrated their birthdays, there were birth horoscopes. Such horoscopes originated in Babylon, where one has been found
dating back to the year 410 B.C. At that time, however, they consisted only of information about the position
of the planets in the signs of the zodiac, with the addition of very simple interpretations. For example: «His days will be many».

They became more detailed later on.
With precise facts about the date, time and place of birth, the character and other personal features could also be read from the birth horoscope.

In the beginning, horoscopes were mainly drawn up for rulers and priests. Later, wealthy Romans were the first to have individual horoscopes
created for themselves. Special positions of the planets (such as the Star of Bethlehem) were considered to be a sign of great power at that time.
By the way, do you know how the word «horoscope» originated? It comes from the Greek and means «a glimpse into time».
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Ever heard of birth horoscopes?
Today birth horoscopes are rare. But for future rulers they were once commonplace, because people wanted to know more about the fate of their newborn child as early as possible.
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are assigned to the element fire in astrology. They live with much passion and energy and have a strong urge for freedom.
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are assigned to the element earth. They are very straightforward, set themselves clear goals and appreciate familiarity.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are assigned to the element air. They are intelligent and creative and always looking for inspiration.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are assigned to the element water. They are sensitive and intuitive, but also rather unstable and difficult to understand.