We are an upbeat, competent and well-oiled team of Fleurop professionals with many years of experience under our belts. Our know-how can best be described as a healthy combination of marketing & sales experience and expertise obtained through advanced floristry courses.

Contact us! We look forward to helping you choose the perfect business gift for your customers, staff or business partners.



Fleurop-Interflora (Schweiz) AG
Förliwiesenstrasse 4, Postfach
CH-8602 Wangen bei Dübendorf
[email protected]

Phone +41 (0)44 751 82 80
Fax +41 (0)44 751 82 81
Monday - Friday
8 -12 and 13 -17



The team






Rinaldo Walser
Mail: [email protected]

Jeannine Häfliger
Mail: [email protected]






Mirjam Fitzi
Back Office Assistant
Mail: [email protected]







Desirée Bischoff
Back Office Assistant & Business Development
Mail: [email protected]







Sandra Ljubisavljevic
Back Office Assistant & Marketing Services
Mail: [email protected]






Sandra Meier
Back Office Assistant
Mail: [email protected]