First steps towards a garden party

First steps towards a garden party

Timing, guest list, budget, and theme: we tell you what to think about when planning a party.
Summertime is party time. And the best place to party is outdoors. In the garden or on the patio. We reveal the first steps towards a successful garden party.

  • Decide on the timing. Weekends are normally good. Whether you give a brunch, an afternoon get-together or an evening party is a matter of personal taste.
  • Estimate how many guests you can accommodate. For large parties, it may make sense to hire a small marquee with tables and chairs.
  • Draw up the guest list. Think particularly about which people are compatible (important).
  • Consider what mood suits your guests. Should it be rustic and cosy? An elegant party? Or an exuberant, undemanding get-together?
  • The right theme may set your imagination soaring. Communicate the theme in the invitations, and also bear it in mind when choosing food and decorations.
  • Set your budget. Make a note of overruns during the planning phase so that you have control of the financial side. A good way of cushioning the cost impact is a party where everyone brings some food. You'll find more information on this subject under «Type of party and planning food».
  • Make a to-do list that you can add to and work through systematically in your later thinking.

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